They wanna know where I been...
School and business has gotten me workin hard but the R Dizzle still has time for his devoted fans. People been askin me lately why I don't have a girl or don't have any potential girls in my life. Well, it's pretty simple y'all, all the fly women don't dig Biomedical Engineers (a.k.a. nerds) like me. But I say screw that! BME homies (and all other enginerds) need love too! So to all those lovely ladies, I bring them...
Top 14 Reasons to Date an ENGINEER
14. We are trained to do it right the first time
13. We are used to all nighters
12. We are always willing to experiment
11. We know how to decrease and increase friction
10. We know all about heat transfer
9. We do it with more torque
8. We can wire your circuits
7. Free body diagrams
6. Potential for smart children
5. Engineering couples have better moments
4. We know how to deal with stress and strain
3. We know it's not the length of the vector that counts, but how you apply the force
2. "Lubrication, Friction and Wear" is actually a class
1. The world DOES revolve around us....we pick the coordinate system
aiite aiite...that's sick shit! ill give ya that DSed. but you still an enginerd.
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