Today, the writers from "A word from the R Dizzle" bring you something new...something unique...A BOOK REVIEW!
Herman Hesse, a German with a brown mentality, has always been one of my favorite authors. All of his classics - Narcissus and Goldmund, Steppenwolf, The Glass Bead Game - have been beautifully written and have inspired readers from all around to ditch the confines of their contemporary societies and to venture onto their own paths through life. However, Hesse's best came in 1922 when he traveled to India (shotouts to the motherland!) and wrote Siddhartha.
Hesse's Siddartha is loosely based on the story of the Buddha, and by loosely I mean tightly, and by tightly I mean read the book. In the novel, the protagonist, Siddhartha, leaves his home to search for the answers. He begins by leading a contemplative life, then quickly rejects it as it poses nothing new for him. He then follows with a life of desires - full of money, lust, and greed. After rejecting that life, Siddhartha finds himself by a river...where his life finally begins.
To all those bored with their summer breaks, Siddhartha is a quick read (150 pages) and is really easy to follow and get into. On my third reading, I finally realized that every section contains something valuable. I once thought that the book did not become significant until the very end, but every page, every word, is placed with signficance.
The message - Follow your own path and let the light from within guide you.
Track of the day: Talvin Singh - Butterfly

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