I finally took a trip down to Santa Cruz to see my good FRIENDS Miles, Kacie, and Nick. It was good to see them again and to do a little "adventuring" again. I'll explain more about that later when I get the pics but first...
I guess Kingdom Hearts 2 made start thinking about friendship, hearts, and happiness and all that warm crap. For a while during the school year, it was my personal goal to be a "loser" and get 200 friends from UC Davis on Facebook. Ya ya, real cool. Of course I never searched for them; they all came to me. Anywho, with all the latests events in my life, KH2, and all the contemplating i've been doing, I've realized who are my true friends and what it means to be a friend. And ya gotta ask yourself, are there 215+ people that really got your back? Of course not. People are shady, greedy, and selfish. I'm not sayin I'm bitter - do your thing to be happy. But if you don't got my back when it all goes down, you ain't my friend.
I've decided to make cuts off the friends roster. It's easy to screen out the obvious ones - the ones I can't even recognize or the ones that I met once at a party or something - they're all out. The ones I don't even like - out. But how should I screen the "fake" friends?
Simple. Most of the facebook whores are always on guard for people's birthdays - they find the way to justify they're fakefriendships with people by writing a birthday post on someone's wall. Hence, I'm gonnna change my birthday on facebook and terminate anyone that posts a message on my wall, I figure if you're my REAL friend you'd know my birthday...it's Jan 1st...how can u forget?
Now if this shit isn't funny...I don't know what is. Mwahahahhaa.
Track of the Day: 50 Cent feat. Olivea - Best Friend (Remix)
It's got nothin to do with friendship...I'm jus somehow bumpin 50 Cent.

jez man, you can't even give credit where it's due, who gave you that idea hum...?
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