Time for another book review...

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri is now on my list of classics. I decided to pick up the book when I saw a preview for the movie which just happens to star one my favorite actors Kal Penn - the star of Harold of Kumar go to Whitecastle, Van Wilder (yeah I said it, HE was the star!), and Superman Returns (aight...he doesn't have any lines in that one but whatever...)
Either way, the book was amazing. The Namesake describes the story of the Ganguli family, straight from Calcutta, and how they learn to adopt their new lives in America. They give their first child a unique name - Gogol - one that doesn't seem to fit in to the standard American culture (hmmm...interesting...) Not give away too much, but the story follows Gogol and how lives his life and his struggle to define his identity - whether it be Indian or American - and how the ultimate choice of changing his name in early adulthood affects the rest of his life, mentally and culturally.

I'm not even going to point out the obvious reasons why I enjoyed the book, why I felt like I could relate, and why I'm probably going to enjoy the movie when it comes out later this year. Reading this book reminded me of the things of the past - old lessons and old thoughts and feelings that were once expressed through my artwork. It all showed me about the cyclical nature of life - how we end up in the same places over and over again, yet each time there is a new lesson. I know I find myself running in circles all the time, often not seeing the good in it all and not seeing why I am where I am. It's only when I stop to think and take the time to realize that happiness starts at the beginning of it all - in my name.
Track of the Day: 311 - Amber
Not that I'm one to talk, but you're name is just FOB-ULOUS!
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