They say everyday is a new adventure but I never really bought it until I started taking time to THINK about my daily events. And today...today was another day that brought yet another adventure into my life.
It was a regular ol' summer Wednesday for me (ok not really, but whatever) - I had spent most of the day in the lab (big ups to Dr. Leach!) and had headed to Farmer's Market to kick it with my dogs. Out of the blue (or was it the yellow?) I received a phone call from my good friend the Hater 4 Life Ajay Kamat. Of course, being the good FRIEND (see the common theme these days?) I am I picked up the call. Apparently his lease was ending and since he was working for the man back down in the Bay he needed me to finish cleanin up some crap in his house.
After getting EXTREMELY frustrated with my circuits homework, I took the trip over to his abandoned house at 10:30 PM. Bad idea. First, I wasn't properly dressed - I wore a cutoff, shorts, and flip flops not thinking that I had to move crap. Whatever. I had no troubles traveling in the middle of the night to a house in the middle of nowhere. Then I got to the house and realized it was dark...VERY DARK. Then I realized that no one was home...NO ONE. I almost wet my pants in fear. Luckily for me, I had a flashlight in my car so I grabbed that and proceeded into the house from hell.
I swear I felt like I was in Resident Evil - traveling through an abandoned house with zombies waiting for me around every corner. Except instead of a shotgun I was armed with...a flashlight. Yay....

I got through the moving shit pretty quickly (Thank you Jeebus!). Before departing, I took one last look around the house finding a monitor, some cleaning supplies, some garbage, and a homeless guy. Everything was norma...
"Wait a second" I said to myself. "Self, those cleaning supplies, don't belong there."
Then, the guy's arm started moving, he got up, and rushed me with a knife he pulled out of his pocket and...
Ok, Ok none of that really happened but I was still scared shitless. Abandoned house, middle of the night, BY MYSELF!! Well, at the end of the night, I had to face my fears and jump into a dark house with a mere flashlight. Amongst the darkness, there was light...or somethin like that. This all seems like some kind of life lesson on the lines of - to face your fears, you must jump in and go with the flow. Fear not for that which is not understood or explored, merely learn from it all and start to see it in a new fashion. Damn, I'm as philosophical as Aristotle!
All this adventuring kinda makes me a real man, huh? I bet this kinda shit would drive the ladies wild! Now I just gotta get one to read my blog...sigh...
Track of the Day: Linkin Park - Krwling (Reanimaion Remix)